Welcome to our website

Welcome to the Pennsauken High School Honors Latin III website!  On this site, you will find important information about what's going on in our class, see upcoming events,  and be able to access important handouts, such as the classroom procedures and project information.  Some assignments may be posted here, but I will update the PHS Latin Ning to let you know.  Make sure to check back here or on the Ning often for updates!


Pompeii Journal Entry

11/11/2010 10:53
Assignment:  You will create a journal entry based upon the information you have gathered/learned on Pompeii.  Your journal entry will be due Friday, December 9.  It must be 1-2 pages long, typed, 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.  You have two options for the...


First Assignment

09/04/2010 11:30
Here is your first assignment from the website: Read over the classroom procedures handout with your parent/guardian.  Both you and your parent/guardian need to sign it!  Due:  Wednesday, September 8



Pompeii Journal Entry

11/11/2010 10:53
Assignment:  You will create a journal entry based upon the information you have gathered/learned on Pompeii.  Your journal entry will be due Friday, December 9.  It must be 1-2 pages long, typed, 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.  You have two options for the...


First Assignment

09/04/2010 11:30
Here is your first assignment from the website: Read over the classroom procedures handout with your parent/guardian.  Both you and your parent/guardian need to sign it!  Due:  Wednesday, September 8



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Raphael's School of Athens

09/27/2010 17:02
I mentioned today in class a great painting:  The School of Athens, by Raphael.  This is actually a fresco, which is a Roman method of painting directly on a wall while the plaster is still wet.  One of the great painting masters, Raphael, painted in the Pope's apartments in Vatican...


Why Study Latin?

09/04/2010 11:32
Many of you have probably been asked at one time or another, "Why Latin?" Many people believe that since Latin is a "dead" language, there's no point in studying it.  In fact, odds are, when others find out you take Latin, you will get one of two responses:   1.  Why? ...



Ms. Kubichek

Pennsauken High School
800 Hylton Road
Pennsauken, NJ 08110

(856)662-8500 xtn. 2037